What is fundraising?

Gathering financial means for social impact projects that matter for your company and its employees is never a bad idea.
Gather knowledge about sponsorship, grant and CSR. Type your query and find out all about it!
Gathering financial means for social impact projects that matter for your company and its employees is never a bad idea.
Definition Of Community Volunteering Community Volunteering is the way in which a group of individuals from a community partake in social, charitable and environmental activities on a voluntary basis. Volunteering clearly doesn’t involve any remuneration. Its nature and essence, in fact, relates to the human need of helping others and . . . Read more
Definition Of Corporate Volunteering Corporate Volunteering refers to the scenario in which a group of employees partake in social activities on a voluntary basis. That is, charitable as well as community-improving initiatives. Above all, this form of volunteering is part of a company’s CSR policy. Breaking Down Corporate Volunteering Building . . . Read more